Seating Chart (for now)
Starter 10.1: Knowing what you know about liberals and conservatives, what do you think are the morals and values driving each side of the political aisle? Complete these sentences…
Liberals are driven by__________________. They value ________________.
Conservatives are driven by _____________. They value _______________.
During the talk, jot down 3-5 interesting insights, quotes, questions, or new ideas that make you think.
GROUP WORK (Each group should make a copy of the document. Someone should scribe the main ideas of your conversation. Please share the document with Jessica.)
Ted Radio Hour, 10-27-17, Part 2: How do we bridge the political divide?
“Moral reframing” for rhetorical effectiveness?
What do we learn from Robb Willer about making effective arguments?
Journal 10.1: How can the concepts from these TED talks help us better communicate with people who are ideologically different than we are? How could it help us find compromise in US politics? How might it help you craft an argument that might have a chance of being effective for an audience who disagrees with you?