Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Tuesday, October 2nd

Ted Radio Hour, 10-27-17, Part 2: How do we bridge the political divide?
“Moral reframing” for rhetorical effectiveness?
What do we learn from Robb Willer about making effective arguments?

Journal 10.2: How can the concepts from these TED talks (yesterday's and today's) help us better communicate with people who are ideologically different than we are?  How could it help us find compromise in US politics?

“Circle” Up:  
Where do the parties stand on the issues?
What values are underneath each perspective?  

ACTIVITY: What would a liberal/conservative say about ___?
  • Line-up in two even lines (one liberal, one conservative).  Jessica will tell you which is which.
  • Review issues from T-chart, taking turns making points and counterpoints on each issue.
  • What are the moral frameworks and underlying values driving the viewpoint?
  • What questions do we have?