Starter 3.9: How much should the food industry be regulated by government laws? What sorts of things should and shouldn’t be regulated?
What is a "muckraker"? (Michael Pollan is a contemporary one, nowadays known as an investigative journalist.)
What impact can muckraking journalism have on social issues and problems? What are other examples of effective muckraking?
A Century Ago's Muckraking Journalism and the Food Industry:
Throwback to Upton Sinclair's The Jungle (1906)
What is the FDA? Why does it exist? Should it exist?
Does the food industry have too many regulations? Not enough? What are some examples?
Watch clip from Food, Inc. (51:00-58:00)
What is your reaction to this information? Do you think the federal government should play a role in the food industry? How important are regulations on food? What happens if labor and food safety laws are lax or deregulated? Whose interests are served by this?
Your choice:
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