Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Tuesday, September 4

Starter (VERBAL PAIR SHARE) At this point in your thinking, how would you answer these questions:
  • How is the study of history an ideological act? 
  • How do our (ideological) perspectives on the present impact how we view history and vice versa?


(Where should these questions be answered?)

(Where can I find out what I missed if I'm absent?)
(What am I missing from the Digital Comp Book?)

REVIEW “Re-examining the Revolution”
What is Ray Raphael trying to persuade us of? Is his argument convincing? Why or why not? How might your personal ideology impact whether or not you were convinced by his argument?

Today's goal: be able to define rhetoric and give examples

Examples of Persuasion: Two pep talks

Tyler Durden's Speech

1. What is his message?
2. Is it convincing? Why?
3. How does he appeal to his audience?

A Pep Talk from Kid President
1. What is his message?
2. Is it convincing? Why?
3. How does he appeal to his audience?

What is rhetoric?
1. Look up definitions (solo or partners) and then paraphrase in your own words.

2. Begin reading "An Overview of Rhetoric" by James Herrick. Read through (including) page 7, the section called "Defining Rhetoric."

Mini-lesson: An Overview of Rhetoric

1. Read Herrick article, an "An Overview of Rhetoric" through p 17, you may STOP at the header RHETORIC AS AN ART.

2. Reverse Outline Due Friday (Quiz on this content!)