Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Wednesday, September 19

Starter 9.19: Who Are We?
React to this piece of rhetorical discourse.
What is the message here?
Who is the audience?
How does the speaker appeal to his audience? What values and emotions does he play on?

Who is this speaker? Richard Spencer

REMEMBER: Rhetoric transmits ideology.

Aristotelian Appeals

Apply these concepts to the discourse we have read this week!

1. Annotate the two Op-ed pieces for logos, pathos, and ethos (Alma's and the officer's). Label the reading!
Key Questions:

  • LOGOS: Where/how does the author use evidence and logical argumentation?
  • PATHOS: Where/how does the author appeal to the audience''s emotions and values?
  • ETHOS: Where/how does the author establish credibility?

2. Finish the Digital Comp Book assignments associated with each reading. (Journals 9.13 and 9.18)

GUEST SPEAKER TODAY!  Notice how he uses appeals and consider what makes his rhetoric effective (or not).