SLC's tonight! If you haven't looked at the protocol, please do so today!
Let's critique Jessica's essay!
Give me feedback based on the rubric and the following questions:
1. To what degree am I answering the focusing questions of the assignment?
2. Is anything confusing?
3. Does anything feel extra or unnecessary?
4. What might I add to help you understand where my perspective on my topic comes from?
5. Other comments, suggestions, questions?
Let's critique Jessica's essay!
Give me feedback based on the rubric and the following questions:
1. To what degree am I answering the focusing questions of the assignment?
2. Is anything confusing?
3. Does anything feel extra or unnecessary?
4. What might I add to help you understand where my perspective on my topic comes from?
5. Other comments, suggestions, questions?
Topic Choice: Friday, October 18 (or before!)
Part 1 Personal Connection Narrative: Thursday, October 24
Part 2 Research Notes and 1st interview done by Sunday, November 3rd
Part 3 Rogerian Argument Project Draft for Peer Critique: Thursday, November 7 (start of class)
Part 3 Draft to Jessica for Feedback Conference: Week of November 11-15 (on assigned date)
Project Final: Exhibition November 20 (tentative)