Starter 1.13: DanIsNotonFire
- What do you think existentialism is at this point?
- Did DanIsNotOnFire terrify you? How are you feeling about studying this topic? Are you worried you might spill milk all over the counter while making cereal one morning? If so, there’s no use crying over spilt milk.
PAIR SHARE: Reactions to Taylor, “The Meaning of Life”
- Can you make any intertextual connections between this reading and the other content from last week? Draw conclusions about common threads of meaning you might see.
- What do you think about Taylor’s claim that “The meaning of life is from within us, it is not bestowed from without, and it far exceeds in both its beauty and permanence any heaven of which men have ever dreamed or yearned for.”
Journal 1.13: Reflections on Existentialism
- Which pieces of existentialism are you attracted to? Repulsed by?
- Do any of these tenets have a place in your own personal philosophy?
- With which quote do you agree more? Macbeth’s “Tomorrow” speech or Dylan Thomas’ “Do not go gentle into that good night”?
Honors: We will seminar on The Stranger tomorrow during the second half of class. If you are doing Honors Book Club for Honors credit, please complete the seminar prep as described in the Honors syllabus.
EXTRA TIME?: Into the Wild! Prepare for next week's Lit Circle meeting!