FINISH Stranger than Fiction
- If you did not do so already, Journal 1.14 (Nietzche claim TEA paragraph).
- Finish Journal 1.16 (Stranger than Fiction claim TEA paragraph).
- Catch up any starters and journals you are missing. (Table of Contents)
- Get ready for Tuesday’s literature circle meeting! Read through page 60 and do the PREWRITE as outlined in the overview document. Doing your prewrite electronically will facilitate your participation in the meeting.
- Honors: Finish your seminar reflection and synthesis for The Stranger if you have not done so already.
- If you are caught up with everything, you could begin the reading on our next philosophical topic: Background on Aristotle’s Eudaimonia (located on pages 20-25 of your reader).
Jessica’s Journal 1.14 paragraph:
In this excerpt, Nietzsche suggests that one of the ways we can move closer to our own authenticity is to examine the passions that have made our soul sing. We must do so outside of the influence of others, looking rather at the ways those passions make us who we truly are. He asks us to “compare these objects, see how they complement, enlarge, outdo, transfigure one another; how they form a ladder on whose steps you have been climbing up to yourself so far.” Only when we visualize this ladder can we see ourselves in a clear light because, according to Nietzsche, “your true self does not lie buried deep within you, but rather rises immeasurably above you.” Looking at ourselves in this way will help us transcend our existential angst.