Monday, April 27, 2020

WEEK FIVE: Brainstorm/Draft your Food Ethic Essay

First of all, anyone who needs it has an extension on Week Four's comp book or discussion work. I realized too late that I failed to hit publish on my DP last week, and I am sorry for the confusion that has caused for some of you. Also, I have noticed that many of you have fallen behind a bit in the weekly questions. Please catch these up this week as well as beginning your essay.
Here is the food project syllabus again if you need to review the content gone by.

For similar reasons, the group discussions have been postponed. Here is the tentative reschedule. If you are on this list and you need to change which day I have assigned you to, let me know. I will send out the final groupings and links by email.

GROUP 1    Wednesday @2
GROUP 2     Thursday @2
Amelia Vinnie
Chris A
Mason J

This week, you should start brainstorming and drafting your FOOD ETHIC ESSAY. Click on document for details!

By next Monday 5/4, please send me a working thesis AND/OR evidence of your prewriting (outline, bulleted list, idea map, voice memo, etc).

Change in critique expectations
I have decided to make the peer critique an "opt-in" experience. If you are wanting to participate in a peer critique for your food ethic essay, PLEASE EMAIL ME BY THIS FRIDAY, MAY 1 to let me know.
OR: Please feel free to arrange the critique for yourself by sharing your draft with trusted peers or family members if you prefer to do it independently from the organized optional group critique for class.
Your draft is due for MY FEEDBACK by May 11th.

Optional Rap Session/Group Discussion/Brainstorm Meeting with Jessica: next Monday, May 4th @2pm.
I want to offer you guys some guidance and Q and A time with me about this essay assignment. If you are confused or stuck, please drop in to this meeting.  If this time doesn't work for you or you need a 1-on-1 conference, REACH OUT!

Writing Conferences (optional)
Offered by appointment throughout the writing process. REACH OUT!

Prewriting/Brainstorm OR Draft Thesis Statement by May 4th
(Optional) Drafts to peer critique group: Week of May 4th-May 8th Drafts to Jessica for Feedback: by May 11th (OR EARLIER!) FINAL DRAFTS DUE: May 24th

Some of the questions below may help you to think through your food ethic.  You do not have to answer all of them!  
  • How would you characterize your personal “FOOD ETHIC”? 
  • What factors influence this ethic (ie. financial, health, environmental, cultural, moral?)  
  • How would you characterize your relationship with food?
  • What do you eat and how and why do you eat it?
  • What principles govern your eating habits/decisions?
  • How does your personal relationship with food impact your happiness and well being?
  • What is the food culture of your family?  Your friends?
  • How are you influenced by the media and food marketing?
  • What does the experience of eating mean to you?  
  • What kind of eater are you?
  • To what degree do you participate in your own food chain?  Actively or passively?  How does this influence your ethic?
  • How are you navigating your own “omnivore’s dilemma”?
  • Other relevant questions???