Thursday, April 16, 2020

WEEK THREE: April 14th through April 20th

WEEK 3: Big Organic and Local Sustainable
Pollan, The Omnivore’s Dilemma, Chapters 10-17 (pp. 123-234)


Optional films for enrichment:
What You Eat Matters
The Biggest Little Farm

The Questions:
  1. Compare and contrast the industrial food chain from Part 1 of the book with the industrial organic one described in Part 2. Be sure to identify similarities AND differences.  (Perhaps make a little table?)
  2. In your opinion, is it worth the extra cost and effort to eat organic?  Why or why not?
  3. Compare and contrast the paradigms (worldviews/ideological perspectives) behind the industrial system and local sustainable systems.  How does each show a different "ethic," that is to say, a different kind of thinking about the human relationship with our food and the human relationship with the Earth?
  4. Is the local sustainable movement elitist?  Is it reasonable to think that we can figure out how to feed "the many" on sustainable agriculture?  
  5. Do you agree with the perspective of the book in regards to the local sustainable food chain being more desirable than the industrial one? If so, how does our paradigm need to change? What do we need to be willing to give up?   If not, why do you think the industrial chain is necessary or superior?