Friday, January 8, 2021

Friday, January 8th


  • College Days with Jess on Mondays
  • LINK with Janae on Tuesdays
  • Zoom on Monday for breakout discussions. Look out for the link before class. Come to class having read "The Meaning of Life" by James Rachels


Starter: Share out a lingering question that you have about the siege at the capital.


  1. How did we get here? What are the main causes of this event?
  2. What lessons should we be learning from this?
  3. What implications might this have for the future of the republic?
  4. How do we prevent this from happening again?
  5. How might we move forward? What should our elected officials do?
After the discussion: Answer ONE of the above questions in writing.  (ONE solid TEA paragraph)

Optional Continuation @ 1pm! Follow Ashley's link if you are enthralled in the conversation. Multi-grade level discussion!

For Monday: 
Read and annotate "The Meaning of Life" by James Rachels
Be ready with Philosophy Journal