Starter 1.19: Unmute or react in the chat!
Can you make any "intertextual" connections between this reading and the other content from last week? Draw conclusions about common threads of meaning you might see.
What do you think about Taylor’s claim that “The meaning of life is from within us, it is not bestowed from without, and it far exceeds in both its beauty and permanence any heaven of which men have ever dreamed or yearned for.”
Existentialism Lesson:
1. I will go to school tomorrow to hand out books one more time (unless weather makes this hard). I am thinking from 10-12, but if that window doesn't work for you, let me know! Your first due date for Into the Wild will be next Monday, January 25th. Chapters 1-6 (through page 60).
2. JOURNAL 5 due Thursday, along with notes from today's lecture
3. Take learning deeper? Check out the optional assignments in Google Classroom.
- Read Existentialism is a Humanism (Sartre)
- Watch Jim Holt's TED talk