Get ready for Thursday's seminar! “Eating is an Agricultural Act”?: The Ethics of Food Seminar 2021
You have two readings and a TED talk to watch today and tomorrow. Please annotate all three as seminar texts and complete the seminar prep assignment as outlined in the seminar overview doc.
- ESSAY: “The Pleasures of Eating” by Wendell Berry (seminar questions to THINK about as you read)
- ARTICLE: “Food Miles and Packaging: A Contrarian View” by Aaron Brody
- TED TALK: Ron Finley “A Guerilla Gardener in South Central LA”
If you are new to Animas and/or Socratic Seminar, please stick around for a brief overview/pep talk on what Thursday's seminar will look like.
EVERYONE should review the RUBRIC as a refresher. It's been so long since we did seminar in person! Yay!