Thursday, April 22, 2021

Thursday/Friday, April 22/23

THURSDAY: "Eating is an Agricultural Act?" Ethics of Food Seminar

FRIDAY: Reflection writing and "talk about our feelings" time:)


1. Reflection/Self-Assess: Reflect on the outcome of the seminar.  Consider your own performance and the seminar overall.  How did you do personally and how did the group do collectively?   Based on the rubric, what grade do you deserve on the seminar? 

2. React to your peers’ ideas (be specific) and the knowledge you all constructed together.  Was there anything that enlightened you?  Something you particularly disagree with?  How did your thinking about the topics change as a result of this seminar? 

3.  How would you characterize your personal “FOOD ETHIC”? What factors influence this ethic (ie. financial, health, environmental, cultural, moral, etc.)?  How does your personal relationship with food impact your happiness and well being?

Alternate assignment if you missed the seminar or didn't find a way to participate yesterday:

  • Answer ALL FOUR ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS in writing with evidence from the text.

I want to hang projects! If you didn't bring it in yet, please drop it off over LINK if possible.

How are we feeling on on the first day of the rest of your life?