TED Talk: Why does the universe exist?
Key terms
Ontology: (simply) the philosophical study of the nature of being, becoming, existence, or reality
Deity: God, goddess or divine being
Transcript, if you want to follow along or review....
Recommended to take notes as you watch!
What different explanations does Holt mention that humans use to explain why the universe exists?
Which explanation does he arrive at?
JOURNAL 3 Why Does the Universe Exist?
REACT! Review the transcript if you need to. Which pieces of his discussion do you agree with? Which do you reject? Even if you didn’t understand all of the heady concepts in the TED talk, what do you personally believe about the universe and its existence? If you don't really know yet (as many don't), use this journal entry to wonder in words...
OPTIONAL: Form small groups to talk about ideas in TED talk
Journal #3 and anything else you want to write in there.
EXHIBITION PREP: Refine your work and get it ready to exhibit tomorrow night. Scroll down to yesterday’s post to see guidelines.
Performers: Please rehearse for each other and time your presentations! Flex room? Option to present in front of the whole class?
Option to read ahead: “God and the Origins of the Universe” (hard copies on table)
Honors: NHD work