Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Tuesday, February 1st

LECTUREAristotle’s Philosophy of Happiness and Meaning

JOURNAL #8: How are Aristotle’s ideas on Happiness and a Meaningful Life resonating with you?  What do you reject?  What questions does it raise for you?

JOURNAL 9: Virtue Reflection

Identify some of the ways you are exercising virtue in your life, using the table of Virtues and Vices and/or the 24 Character Strengths from Positive Psychology. Use artistic representations to illustrate your thoughts and annotate your drawings.

  1. Choose 3 strengths that you feel guide you or are inextricably bound to your personal moral code. How does each add happiness/meaning to your life?

  2. Choose 3 you wish to improve in, in order to live a more happy and meaningful life. Explain how strengthening these attributes could lead to a more fulfilled sense of being.


Exhibition Prep

OR: Read Into the Wild and work on pre-write for Lit Circle #2 

OR:  (optional): Do additional research on positive psychology and how it might play a role in helping us lead a happier and more meaningful life

OR: Honors NHD

OR: Conference with Jessica