Monday, April 4, 2022

Monday, April 4th

Project Description

Discussion Questions for Wendell Berry’s “The Pleasures of Eating”

  1. Wendell Berry says, “eating is an agricultural act.”  What does he mean by this?  How is this representative of his food ethic? 

  2. Berry is critical of the modern “industrial” eater’s food ethic. How does the industrial eater’s food ethic fail to recognize eating as an agricultural act? 

  3. What is Wendell Berry asking of us?  What does he mean by “eat responsibly”? 

  4. How does someone who embraces these mindsets and behaviors fundamentally alter their relationship with the Earth (as contrasted with the typical industrial eater)?

  5. Analyze the meaning of the William Carlos Williams poem.  How does the poem represent a “food ethic”? 

  6. Why is this essay called “The Pleasures of Eating”? 


Choose one or more of the “Pleasures of Eating” discussion questions to answer in writing.

READ INTRO of The Omnivore’s Dilemma together.

1.  What is meant by the term “The Omnivore’s Dilemma”?  How does it relate to America’s modern industrial food chain?

2.  How do you think this modern industrial food chain could put our health at risk?

Chapters 1-7 Rapid Jigsaw

  1. Count off by 7. 
  2. Divide up chapters and try to get the gist of the content in 20 minutes. 
  3. 5 minutes to meet with group/partner.  
  4. Groups Share


Key points of chapter.

Include answers to the assigned questions below for your chapter. 

Chapter 1

1.  How are US-Americans “corn people”?

2.  Explain how corn has advanced itself as a species with the help of human beings.


Chapter 2

1.  What changes have occurred in farming in America in the last century?

2.  What are GMO’s and why do they have many people concerned?


Chapter 3

1.  How did farming in America turn from a sun-based system to a fossil-fuel based system?

2.  What are the side effects of giving the industrial crops too much fertilizer?

3.  Explain some ways that the US government has helped corn’s conquest.


Chapter 4

1.  What is a commodity?  How is commodity corn different than food corn?

2.  Create a graphic representation of the “river of corn.”


Chapter 5

1.  What is a CAFO and what happens there?  What is the advantage of raising animals this way?

2.  Compare the natural and industrial diets of cows. 

3.  What are some problems that arise as a result of the industrial diet of cattle?


Chapter 6

1.  Explain how processing food helps companies make more money from it.

2.  Why do you think processed food is less healthy for us?


Chapter 7

1.  What are some common reasons given for the obesity crisis?  What reasons does Michael Pollan add?

2.  What are the biological reasons some processed foods are appealing to us? 

3.  How do the economics of food work against the people with less money?