Thursday, April 7, 2022

Thursday, April 7th

Industrial Food Analysis, cont'd....

1. Get together with Chapter groups for 5 minutes to revisit your questions.

2. Groups 1-7 Share out learning! Feel free to use information from the film to flesh out your answers. Here are the questions if you lost your paper.

Food, Inc: Reactions and Annotations

Submit in Google Classroom:

  1. THREE reactions, connections, A-ha’s, etc.

  2. 1-2 QUESTIONS the film leaves you with. 

Advantages of our Food System

1. What is great about it? What do we love about it? (Brainstorm)

2. What is the deal with “Food Miles”?

3. READ/ANNOTATE:  Food Miles and Packaging: A Contrarian View

4. Discuss:

  • What is his thesis?

  • What are the main points that he makes to support his perspective?

  • Brody asks:  “Is the correlation of prosperity with processed and packaged foods nearly 1.0?  Do you answer yes? Why or why not? Can you push back on this claim? How?

  • How does the perspective of this article change or complicate how you are processing the topics (if at all)?


Reflect on what you have learned about the industrial food system. Where do you find yourself in the debate? Do you relish in the amazingness that the industry creates? Or are you concerned about the unintended consequences? What would you be willing to change about how you eat if it meant we could have a different system?

REFER to Food, Inc., The Omnivore's Dilemma, and/or the “Food Miles and Packaging” reading in your answer.