As you watch
the film, takes notes that will help you answer the following questions. Write
complete, detailed answers to the questions (due Monday, electronically preferred). This
weekend, post your answer to question #6 on EDMODO and/or respond to your peers’ posts.
- 1. Explain the concept of the military industrial complex. What was President Eisenhower warning us against?
- 2. Write a detailed paragraph summarizing the argument that this film is making. How does the film seem to be answering the question: Why do we fight?
- 3. How is this film rhetorical? Write a detailed paragraph discussing the film as a work of rhetoric. Mention several of the rhetorical concepts that we have studied so far. (CONSIDER: the four A’s of rhetoric , logos/pathos/ethos, any concepts from the Herrick article)
- 4. Is the movie guilty of any logical fallacies or doublespeak? What counterpoints could be made against this film’s rhetoric?
- 5. Is the film’s rhetoric effective? Why or why not?
- 6. EDMODO: React rhetorically to Why We Fight and the general content of the course these last few weeks. As a thinking American, contribute your perspective to the conversation on foreign policy. (Rhetoric is a response and invites a response!)