Monday, September 23, 2013

Reading:  Conor

Bush/Obama Foreign Policy Comparison
Why We Fight Questions

Starter #18:  Is the USA a democracy or an empire?  Explain your answer.

Feedback for POW (Peers Owning Wellness):  Please take this survey!

Feedback for Jessica:  Please take this survey!

Discuss Friday's Film

  • Edmodo?  Let's do this, guys!

USA:  Democracy or Empire?

Goals for the Day
  • Identify the characteristics of democracies and empires. 
  • Work together to begin to deconstruct the question:  Is the U.S.A. a democracy or an empire?

Group brainstorm:  Democracies and Empires

Share on Board.  (Will somebody scribe as a Google doc?)
  • Which characteristics of each do we see in the American experience?  (Highlight)
  • Do we all agree about which we are?  What are our points of disagreement?
  • Is this question a false dichotomy?

Homework:  Read Vladimir Putin's "A Plea for Caution." (New York Times, September 11, 2013)
Answer the following questions:
1.  What is Putin's message to the American people?
2.  What is his position on U.S. Foreign Policy?
3.  What recommendations does he make?
4.  What does he mean by "American exceptionalism"?  Why does he call it "dangerous"?