Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Discuss the assigned documents with your group.
Populist Platform:
Make sure everyone in your group understands the document.  Answer the following:
1. We learn from Herrick that rhetoric “is a response and invites a response.”  What situation(s) are the Populists responding to?
2. Discuss the ideology contained in the Populist Platform.  What is the main message (thesis)?
3. What are the best points that the Populists make?  How do they use rhetoric effectively?
4. What connections can you make to the current political dialogue that you hear?
5. Have any of these Populist demands been met since this time period?
6. What questions does your group have? 

Make sure everyone in your group understands the document.  Answer the following:
1.  What situation is Andrew Carnegie responding to?
2. Discuss the ideology contained in Carnegie’s rhetoric.  What is the main message?
3. What are the best points that he makes?  How does he use rhetoric effectively?
4. What connections can you make to the current political dialogue?
5. Who do you think is Carnegie’s “imagined audience”?

6. What questions does your group have?

Brainstorm Google search terms for this assignment.