Friday, October 11, 2013


1. EDMODO SELF-ASSESS (2 paragraphs by email)
¶ 1. Give yourself a grade based on the rubric (+’s and –‘s are okay) and explain why you deserve that grade.  Discuss your personal relationship with Edmodo.  Be honest and reflective (remember: I have Edmodo omniscience). 

¶ 2. Write a paragraph of feedback about the use of Edmodo as a classroom institution.  What is successful about our Edmodo interaction?  How can it be improved in the future?  What can Jessica do to improve this experience for her students?

2.  SEMINAR POST-WRITE (due at the end of the hour by email)

3.  SLC PREP (due next Wednesday:  send me your outline or notes by email!)

Project Proposal due tonight by midnight
Zinn, Chapter 11 with Q's due next Friday

5.  Optional 4-day weekend investigation
Look into the history of Columbus Day, Columbus, and the controversy surrounding Columbus Day as a national holiday.  (Letter to the Editor?)