Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Hashtags!!  #VoicesfromtheAnimas #AnimasRiverSpill  BOTH, not just one! 

Please take a look at your it beautiful work?  Ask for my feedback!  I am happy to help you improve it and make it richer!

Who can interview after school? I have some people coming:)

I finally found an article that exemplifies my own bias on this issue.  Thought I would share.  Please read this.

1. Storycorps!!!

  • Instructions for producing and uploading
  • Attention to detail...beautiful work is an ethic.
  • Listen to some of the interviews.  This is, in fact, the point of this project.  
  • Music is optional, but if you use it, it MUST be "public domain" or "royalty-free" music. (Google these terms to look for databases of music.  Here is one that Keiran found: If you have doubts about whether it is copyrighted, err on the side of caution. 
  • Be sure to hashtag #VoicesfromtheAnimas and #AnimasRiverSpill or your work won't show up in the archive.
2.  A Case Study in Rhetorical Discourse:  Gun Control and Gun Rights.  Download the assignment from Google classroom or make a copy of this one.

Self-Assess on the rubric when you submit!
(*You won't be able to fully finish this until after exhibition, but you can certainly start.)