Starter 10.23: How should the United States have responded to the terrorists attacks of 9-11? Had you been a member of Bush's administration, how would you have advised him?
Rhetorical Analysis Questions: Please submit through Google classroom! You may work
together with your peers, but each person should do and submit their own
assignment. Due ten minutes before the end of the hour.
"The Bush Doctrine"
In his book "Decision Points" (Crown Publishers, 2010), President Bush articulates his discrete concept of the Bush Doctrine. According to the President, his doctrine consisted of four "prongs," three of them practical, and one idealistic. They are the following: (In his words)
1. "Make no distinction between terrorists and the nations that harbor them--and hold both to account."
2. "Take the fight to the enemy overseas before they can attack us again here at home."
3. "Confront threats before they fully materialize."
4. "Advance liberty and hope as an alternative to the enemy's ideology of repression and fear."
Key Points:
With us or with the terrorists
What are the advantages of this viewpoint? What good points does the Bush doctrine have?
What drawbacks are there to this strategy?
What drawbacks are there to this strategy?
1. Who was Osama bin Laden?
2. Read and annotate Osama bin Laden's "Open Letter to America" (November, 2002)
3. Be prepared to analyze his both his rhetoric and his ideology!
4. Optional: Research background on US foreign policy in the Middle East.