8:25-9:25: Interviewing Tips and Practice
9:25-9:45: BREAK
9:45-11:15: Work Time (Parts 5 and 6 of the Planning Packet)
11:15-12:00 LUNCH
12:00-1:30: Rehearse/Peer Critique
1:30-1:45: BREAK
1:45-2:15 Refinement or attend George's POL!
2:15-3:15: Advisory (continue working if you need)
9:25-9:45: BREAK
9:45-11:15: Work Time (Parts 5 and 6 of the Planning Packet)
11:15-12:00 LUNCH
12:00-1:30: Rehearse/Peer Critique
1:30-1:45: BREAK
1:45-2:15 Refinement or attend George's POL!
2:15-3:15: Advisory (continue working if you need)