Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Starter:  Write a focusing question on the top of your draft.

1.  Read through the piece carefully.  Then make at least 4 substantial (not just a word or two) annotations responding to the piece.
  • Your annotations could be about any of the following:
  • Props
  • Places that make you feel an emotional connection to their argument (Indicate which emotional reaction you are having
  • Where you get confused and why
  • Effective/ineffective evidence
  • Effective or powerful phrases, sentences, or word combinations
  • Places where they could improve their word choice, with suggestions
  • Questions you have as you read
  • Ideas that you have about other things to include

2.  Try to answer the focusing question.

  • Sign up for a writing conference!  Again, this means that you have a draft of your written argument due AT THE END OF CLASS THE DAY BEFORE YOUR CONFERENCE.  For Monday conferences, this mean the end of class Friday.  
  • REVISE your draft.
  • Work on your Oral Discourse Project!