Friday, December 18, 2015

January 4-6 Welcome back!

Monday, January 4

Goal for the Day:
Re-integrate into the atmosphere of school and get our projects ready for critique!

TED Talk to get re-inspired about rhetorical arguments:  
  • ·         What model of argumentation is your project following? 
  • ·         How do Cohen’s ideas relate to our project? 
  • ·         What new thoughts does this TED talk give you about our project?

Freewrite (On paper, turn into the box)
  • What is working about your project? In what ways is it effective argument?
  • What does your argument need to be more effective?
  • What do you need to do to refine for exhibition next Wednesday?

1.  Write a brief introduction to your project (a few sentences) that you will share with the audience on the exhibition stage.  It should be succinct and to-the-point, just enough to give your project context.  You will practice
2.  Work on refining your exhibition pieces for this week’s critique.  Give it rhetorical flair and audience impact! 

January 5th and 6th
Whole Class Rehearsal and Critique!!!
  • Props/Praise
  • Questions
  • Suggestions

1. If you want feedback on something specific, write a framing question on the board.
2. Refer to the rubric as you give critique. (Rubrics located on front table.)
3. Give written and verbal feedback.  Make sure to hand your paper to the person who you critiqued.
4. Give great feedback!  Specific, helpful, and kind.  Remember all that you have learned about rhetoric to help each other refine!