Literature Circle Meeting #1
Lit Circle Groups
Lit Circle Guidelines
Lit Circle Meeting Protocol
Jessica Prompts for Meeting #1
- Why do you think Chris (Alex) is yearning so strongly for this Alaskan adventure?
- How is Into the Wild an “intertextual” work? How does its intertextuality aid us in interpreting the meaning?
Read: Excerpts from Walden by Henry David Thoreau
JOURNAL 2.8: Response to Walden
1. Describe Thoreau's philosophical position on human beings and their relationship with nature/wildness. How does he contrast it with man's "civilized" state? Use quotes from reading to explain your answer.
2. What connections do you see with Chris McCandless? Identify at least one quote from Thoreau that you believe Chris would have embraced and explain your connection.
3. What is your personal reaction? Do you agree with Thoreau that "the so-called comforts of life" are "positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind"? Can we be our authentic selves while enjoying our detailed lives full of modern conveniences? Or must we connect to our own wildness and natural state?