Friday, August 30, 2019

Friday, August 30th

Finish Film and Journal 8.30 (see yesterday's post)

Discuss take-aways:  How did we answer the journal questions?

Bury My Heart at Wound Knee, Chapter 1
  1. Jessica reads the beginning
  2. 10 minutes to read your section
  3. IN GROUPS:  Determine the following
  • Summary of main ideas and historical events
  • Decide on a quotation from your section that is worth sharing out with your peers
  • What does it mean in the present if this history goes untold?
  • What does it mean in the present if this history does get told?

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Thursday, August 29th

Image result for tambien la lluvia

Tambien la Lluvia

  1. How does this film juxtapose historical events to make ideological connections across time?  What are these connections? (How can we view La Conquista on the same ideological timeline as the events in Cochabamba?)
  2. Why is this film called Tambien la Lluvia (Even the Rain)? What does this have to do with the ideological conflict portrayed in the movie?

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Wednesday, August 28th

Starter 8.28:  Is the United States a democracy or an empire?

USA:  Democracy or Empire?

1. Group brainstormDemocracies and Empires
Each group should make a copy of this google doc and share it with Jessica.  One copy per group! Make sure all your names are on it!

2. Share Out
  • Which characteristics of each do we see in the USA?  
  • Do we all agree about which we are?  What are our points of disagreement? (Four corners?)
  • Is this question a false dichotomy?  Could democracy be compatible with empire?

3.  KEY QUESTION:  What values, assumptions, and beliefs about human life drive each system? (This is the stuff ideology is made of….)

Columbus: Hero or Villain?  

1. What do we remember/what have we learned about Columbus throughout our education?

2. Columbus Day or Indigenous People’s Day?
What are some reasons in favor of celebrating Columbus Day?

Four Corners: Durango and FLC made the right decision in changing the name of the holiday we celebrate on October 12.

JOURNAL 8.28:   How does a person's ideology impact how he or she views the Columbus story (or any historical event for that matter)?

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Tuesday, August 27th

Starter 8.27:  Complete this sentence as many ways as you can think of.  Be literal and/or figurative, positive and/or negative.
  • America is....

PROJECT LAUNCH! (Let me know if you want me to print you a hard copy of this description.  Otherwise, it can be found under the “PROJECTS” link on my DP for your reference)

So let’s deconstruct a little piece of Americana….

Listen once without video and answer prompt questions
1.  Do you think that John Cougar Mellencamp’s tone is more patriotic or cynical?  Explain why you think so, using evidence.

2.  Make an interpretive claim about this song using evidence. What is he saying?  What is the message?  What do you think this song is trying to express about America?

3.  Group share/interpretation:  What meaning do we find?  What do the people in the song believe about America?


4.  Discuss:  Does the video change your interpretation?  How and why?

5. How might ideology impact how we are seeing the song? How we view the American experience?

IN OUR OWN WORDS (Pair Share)  What is ideology?

Monday, August 26, 2019

Monday, August 26th

PM CLASS ONLY: We need to finish this task from Friday!
Digital Comp Book Set-up 
1.  Create a new Google doc and name it:  FirstName LastName Digital Comp Book 
2.  Share the document with me at 
Make sure you give me editing power!
3.  Each entry should be labeled so that it is clear to me which entry goes with which prompt.
5.  You are responsible for all starters and entries, even if you are absent
6.  Feel free to add images, links, and other digital content in your responses!
7.  Chat with me if you prefer to keep your comp book on the Earth instead of in the Cloud.

Let's Practice Using it!

Starter 8.23How would you classify your own political views? Liberal? Conservative? Other? Where did your political beliefs come from- How did you form the political views you currently hold? To what extent have you felt safe to share your political beliefs in school? Beyond?

What kind of classroom environment do we want to create this year?  What kinds of norms and dispositions to we need to achieve it?

This seminar will be a rotating fish bowl.  The seminar itself will be for participation credit rather than a letter grade. The reflection will be the graded part of this assignment.  Please use the seminar to process your thoughts and listen to the ideas of others with an open mind.

Seminar Guidelines
Review Seminar Rubric (ungraded, but we are still looking for the same behaviors)
When you are not active in the inside circle, you should be listening intently, jotting down notes, and processing your own thoughts and perspectives.

Rotating Fish Bowl Style
  1. Groups A-B (15 minutes)
  2. Groups B-C (15 minutes)
  3. Groups C-D (15 minutes)
  4. Groups D-A
  5. Open Discussion (15 minutes)

Journal 8.26: Seminar Reflection (in Digital Comp Book)
  • What are your main take-aways from this seminar?  What new understandings do you have now that you didn't have before?
  • What are your wishes and fears about Humanities class this year? What do you want our classroom environment to be like this year?  
  • How will you personally contribute to creating this environment?

HONORS Let’s check in at this time!

Friday, August 23, 2019

Friday, August 23rd

FIRST: REVIEW yesterday's reading. Jot down key takeaways that answer this question:  What ideas from this reading would you like to apply to our own class culture (how we treat each other, how this class is run, etc...?  Or, if there are certain ideas that did not resonate with you, feel free to jot down those ideas that you DON’T want to be a part of this class culture.  This reading will be one of several core texts for a seminar we are going to have on Monday.

  • What is Krishnamurti's thesis here?


Digital Comp Book Set-up 
1.  Create a new Google doc and name it:  FirstName LastName Digital Comp Book 
2.  Share the document with me at  Make sure you give me editing power!
3.  Each entry should be labeled so that it is clear to me which entry goes with which prompt.
5.  You are responsible for all starters and entries, even if you are absent
6.  Feel free to add images, links, and other digital content in your responses!
7.  Chat with me if you prefer to keep your comp book on the Earth instead of in the Cloud.

Let's Practice Using it!
Starter 8.23: How would you classify your own political views? Liberal? Conservative? Other? Where did your political beliefs come from- How did you form the political views you currently hold? To what extent have you felt safe to share your political beliefs in school? Beyond?

Reading: "Willing to be Disturbed" (Seminar reading #2)

  1. Mark lines that stand out
  2. Identify the main argument/thesis of this writing
  3. THINK or WRITE: In what ways do you need to "be disturbed"? What ideas/beliefs/identities do you cling to that you could be challenged on?
  4. THINK OR WRITE: Why am I having you read this?
Reading: The Seduction of Safety on Campuses and Beyond (Seminar reading #3)

****Before reading: define “Safe Space”

TO-DO (by Monday)
  1. Review my syllabus and have your parents review it.  Return the attached letter signed.
  2. Tell me a little bit about you
  3. Set up your Digital Comp Book if you haven't already done so.
  4. Prepare for seminar!
  5. Honors ONLY:  Send me an email that answers the question:  Why Honors?

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Thursday, August 22nd


Today's Goals: 

  1. Think critically about what the function of education is
  2. Begin to get oriented to Humanities 11

1. Let's help the new Ospreys feel welcome!
  • Name
  • Why did you choose Animas? OR What are you excited about?
  • What is something that is confusing you, disturbing you, or amazing you about life in America right now? 
2. Who am I, Jessica, your teacher?  Questions for me?
3. A note on junior year:  Best year of your life so far?  
  • "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so." --Hamlet
  • THIS IS YOUR EDUCATION!!!  We are going to be doing this together.
“A single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.”
~ Henry David Thoreau

Read and annotate "The Function of Education" by Krishnamurti (Seminar reading #1)

  • Put your name on the reading
  • Read as much of the reading as you can. Mark quotes that stand out to you as thought-provoking, interesting, inspiring or with which you strongly disagree.
  • Try to identify the author's thesis: What does Krishnamurti claim the purpose of education is?
  • Be prepared to share your selections and make meaning together.

"The Function of Education":  Spirit Read
1.  Everyone participates at least once.  You can speak more than once.
2.  Read a word, phrase, or sentence.
3.  No commentary or opinions.
4.  When possible, try to connect with what was just read.
5.  Give all voices a chance.
6.  Pauses can be powerful.
7. Repeating words and phrases is fine. 

Interested in Honors?  Please read over my HONORS SYLLABUS as homework.  You will notice that you have a reading for this week.  There are hard copies at the table near the door. If you are in, complete the reading and corresponding questions and join me for the meeting on Monday!

What materials do you need for this class?  (Please recycle from the pile!) Where do we put our stuff?

Bookmark my webpage!  

Tell me a little bit about yourself  (by Monday)