Starter 8.28: Is the United States a democracy or an empire?
USA: Democracy or Empire?
1. Group brainstorm: Democracies and Empires
Each group should make a copy of this google doc and share it with Jessica. One copy per group! Make sure all your names are on it!
2. Share Out
- Which characteristics of each do we see in the USA?
- Do we all agree about which we are? What are our points of disagreement? (Four corners?)
- Is this question a false dichotomy? Could democracy be compatible with empire?
3. KEY QUESTION: What values, assumptions, and beliefs about human life drive each system? (This is the stuff ideology is made of….)
Columbus: Hero or Villain?
1. What do we remember/what have we learned about Columbus throughout our education?
2. Columbus Day or Indigenous People’s Day?
What are some reasons in favor of celebrating Columbus Day?
If time: History v. Christopher Columbus
Four Corners: Durango and FLC made the right decision in changing the name of the holiday we celebrate on October 12.
JOURNAL 8.28: How does a person's ideology impact how he or she views the Columbus story (or any historical event for that matter)?