Friday, August 23, 2019

Friday, August 23rd

FIRST: REVIEW yesterday's reading. Jot down key takeaways that answer this question:  What ideas from this reading would you like to apply to our own class culture (how we treat each other, how this class is run, etc...?  Or, if there are certain ideas that did not resonate with you, feel free to jot down those ideas that you DON’T want to be a part of this class culture.  This reading will be one of several core texts for a seminar we are going to have on Monday.

  • What is Krishnamurti's thesis here?


Digital Comp Book Set-up 
1.  Create a new Google doc and name it:  FirstName LastName Digital Comp Book 
2.  Share the document with me at  Make sure you give me editing power!
3.  Each entry should be labeled so that it is clear to me which entry goes with which prompt.
5.  You are responsible for all starters and entries, even if you are absent
6.  Feel free to add images, links, and other digital content in your responses!
7.  Chat with me if you prefer to keep your comp book on the Earth instead of in the Cloud.

Let's Practice Using it!
Starter 8.23: How would you classify your own political views? Liberal? Conservative? Other? Where did your political beliefs come from- How did you form the political views you currently hold? To what extent have you felt safe to share your political beliefs in school? Beyond?

Reading: "Willing to be Disturbed" (Seminar reading #2)

  1. Mark lines that stand out
  2. Identify the main argument/thesis of this writing
  3. THINK or WRITE: In what ways do you need to "be disturbed"? What ideas/beliefs/identities do you cling to that you could be challenged on?
  4. THINK OR WRITE: Why am I having you read this?
Reading: The Seduction of Safety on Campuses and Beyond (Seminar reading #3)

****Before reading: define “Safe Space”

TO-DO (by Monday)
  1. Review my syllabus and have your parents review it.  Return the attached letter signed.
  2. Tell me a little bit about you
  3. Set up your Digital Comp Book if you haven't already done so.
  4. Prepare for seminar!
  5. Honors ONLY:  Send me an email that answers the question:  Why Honors?