Monday, August 26, 2019

Monday, August 26th

PM CLASS ONLY: We need to finish this task from Friday!
Digital Comp Book Set-up 
1.  Create a new Google doc and name it:  FirstName LastName Digital Comp Book 
2.  Share the document with me at 
Make sure you give me editing power!
3.  Each entry should be labeled so that it is clear to me which entry goes with which prompt.
5.  You are responsible for all starters and entries, even if you are absent
6.  Feel free to add images, links, and other digital content in your responses!
7.  Chat with me if you prefer to keep your comp book on the Earth instead of in the Cloud.

Let's Practice Using it!

Starter 8.23How would you classify your own political views? Liberal? Conservative? Other? Where did your political beliefs come from- How did you form the political views you currently hold? To what extent have you felt safe to share your political beliefs in school? Beyond?

What kind of classroom environment do we want to create this year?  What kinds of norms and dispositions to we need to achieve it?

This seminar will be a rotating fish bowl.  The seminar itself will be for participation credit rather than a letter grade. The reflection will be the graded part of this assignment.  Please use the seminar to process your thoughts and listen to the ideas of others with an open mind.

Seminar Guidelines
Review Seminar Rubric (ungraded, but we are still looking for the same behaviors)
When you are not active in the inside circle, you should be listening intently, jotting down notes, and processing your own thoughts and perspectives.

Rotating Fish Bowl Style
  1. Groups A-B (15 minutes)
  2. Groups B-C (15 minutes)
  3. Groups C-D (15 minutes)
  4. Groups D-A
  5. Open Discussion (15 minutes)

Journal 8.26: Seminar Reflection (in Digital Comp Book)
  • What are your main take-aways from this seminar?  What new understandings do you have now that you didn't have before?
  • What are your wishes and fears about Humanities class this year? What do you want our classroom environment to be like this year?  
  • How will you personally contribute to creating this environment?

HONORS Let’s check in at this time!