Thursday, September 24, 2020

Thursday, September 24th

New Protocol! Four “Corners”:  

America is living up to the ideals set forth in our founding documents.

DISCUSS 1619, Episode 1:

  • Why was Nikole Hannah-Jones’ dad proud to fly the flag? How did she feel about it and why?

  • How is the 1619 project attempting to reshape the collective knowledge of our society?

  • Did this podcast make you feel more patriotic or  more cynical?

  • Why do you think there has been conservative backlash against the project? Why do you think Donald Trump mentioned it by name?

  • Is this podcast an example of “rhetorical discourse”?


LESSON: An Overview of Rhetoric

Homework: Read Herrick article, an "An Overview of Rhetoric" through p 17, you may STOP at the header RHETORIC AS AN ART.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Free Shakespeare in the Park! Much Ado about Nothing is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo good.