Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Welcome back, juniors!!!


  • Name
  • What are you excited about?
  • What is something that is confusing you, disturbing you, or amazing you about life in America right now? 

Who am I, Jessica, your teacher?  Questions for me?

A note on junior year:  Best year of your life so far?  

  • "There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so." --Hamlet


“A single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.”

~ Henry David Thoreau

“Willing to Be Disturbed”

Spirit Read and Seminar

  1. Read "Willing to be Disturbed" by Margaret Wheatley:

  2. Mark lines that stand out

  3. Identify the main argument/thesis of this writing

  4. THINK or WRITE:  In what ways do you need to "be disturbed"? What ideas/beliefs/identities do you cling to that you could be challenged on?

  5. THINK OR WRITE:  Why am I having you read this?

Let’s go outside!

Spirit Read

1.  Everyone participates at least once.  You can speak more than once.

2.  Read a word, phrase, or sentence.

3.  No commentary or opinions.

4.  When possible, try to connect with what was just read.

5.  Give all voices a chance.

6.  Pauses can be powerful.

7. Repeating words and phrases is fine. 


  • How can cultivating our “willingness to be disturbed” help us navigate our moment? 

  • In what ways do we need to embrace uncertainty?

  • What do we want to create together from this year’s experience?

  • What happens if we are again thrust into the unknown?

  • How will we carry our classroom culture into virtual space?


There is so much I don’t know, you guys.

What questions do we have at this point?

Homework: (in flex?)

  1. Join my Google Classroom! 7zqr2p2 

  2. Respond to the posted prompt once you have joined.  (America is….)

  3. Read my syllabus and jot down any questions you have.