Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Tuesday, September 8th

Welcome to E-Class! (Let’s call it this!)

Please take the micro-survey in Google Classroom! Doing the starter will also count as attendance for E-class, so it's important to log on and do it at the beginning of class!


  1. Logistics and Class BIZ

    1. DAILY AGENDAS ON MY DP: Check it out! I still use my DP! For the most detailed look at any given day, this is still where to find the rundown. Likewise, if you are learning from home, this will be a good way to follow along. There is a good chance that many of us will be learning from home at some point this year, so it’s good to get in the habit of going to my DP for daily agendas and links that put the assignment in context.


      1. Assignments: TO-DO list and TURN IN. Please try to remember to mark things as turned in by hitting “TURN IN” or “SUBMIT” even if it is something you gave me in class as paper. This will help me a ton with record keeping.

      2. Announcements, surveys, quizzes, etc. 

      3. Questions threads for sharing ideas and “discussing” topics

      4. I am still learning! Whoop!


      1. My class meets at 11 on Mondays and Tuesdays. We will always use the same link on the banner of my Google Classroom. I have added these meetings to Google Calendar so they should also show up in your calendar! Wow what a Google life we are living!  THESE SESSIONS ARE NOT OPTIONAL. Attendance will be taken.

      2. Oftentimes I will use the online meeting to give instructions for the independent work I would like you to do. Other times, we will have breakout group work or discussion during this time.

      3. Please use the comment function in Google Meet to ask (appropriate) questions about the work and the topic at hand. Please do not use it for shenanigans. Save that for NEST meetings;)

      4. Be attentive and respectful and present. Keep yourself muted unless the class situation calls for you to use your voice.

    1. OFFICE HOURS: Monday and Tuesday 1-3pm

      1. Sign-up for Office Hours by sending me an email saying that you want to check in or meet. I will be using this time to meet with other groups of students as well, so it helps to have a heads up if you need to check in.

      2. Catch me on the Google Chat function! This is a nice way to carry on a dialogue about your work and your thoughts, even if it is outside official office hours. 

    2. SYLLABUS: Any immediate questions?

      1. Get letter signed today if you haven’t done so already. Turn in to GC or hand me the paper in class tomorrow.

      2. One addition to Materials: dry-erase markers were not listed! Please procure yourself some personal markers in addition to a binder and writing utensils.

      3. We will chat a bit more about class norms in person on Thursday.


  1. Today’s Tasks: See Google Classroom for these assignments

    1. If you haven’t finished the Childish Gambino response, it is due today! 

    2. Mini-Quiz on Project Overview: Due today

    3. USA: Democracy or Empire?  Due Thursday before class

  1. Honors Meeting

    1. Join Google Classroom and send me an email answering “Why Honors?” if you haven’t already. Once you have done so, I will let Dusty know to switch you to the Honors roster.

    2. Syllabus: What questions do we have?

    3. Assignments will be posted in the Honors GC. You can turn them in there as well. This system is new for me, so I count on your feedback to guide me.

    4. Meetings: Monday or Tuesday afternoons, not every week, but relatively frequently at first. Please let me know if you have other class conflicts at this time (ie. Online Calculus)

    5. I will try to have some hard copies of the readings on in-person days. Please let me know if you don’t have a printer and prefer the readings this way.

    6. Second Semester: Rethinking some structures, but will still have a literary focus.