Monday, October 12, 2020

Monday, October 12th

Rhetorical Discourse Mini-Project: Have some fun with this!

SLC Guidelines: 

  1. Schedule! Work this out with your parents and flock leader.

  2. Create the Google Meet and invite your flock leader and parents.

  3. Fill out an Academic Improvement Plan for EACH CLASS you are struggling in. Email it to the teacher of the class, your flock leader, and your parents.

POD 3 ONLY: I posted Friday’s TED talk in Google Classroom. Please finish it some time before Thursday. You can just turn in the hard copy when we see each other in class again.

HONORS UPDATE: Due to the cancellation of the presidential debate on Thursday, I am extending all essay deadlines by a week to make room for the potential October 22nd debate on your list of options. If you KNOW you prefer to write it on the Harris/Pence debate, feel free to get going on it now. If you want to conference with me on your essay ideas, please set up a meeting in office hours. We will discuss the two podcasts next Monday in e-class during an Honors meeting.