Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Tuesday, October 27th

Starter: How does the assignment in Julian’s class today (the Wash Post article about mask data) relate to RHETORIC and/or IDEOLOGY?




  • Submit them via Google Form before Humanities class on Thursday. To be clear, you will be asking the questions themselves, but I like to collect them in advance. I might have some feedback about how to phrase the questions in diplomatic ways:)


  • This is NOT A DEBATE of any kind. It is a listening session. Please do not argue, fact-check, or whisper to your neighbor. LISTEN and take it in. We can debrief after the experience, so save the release of your pressure valve for later.

  • Thank you for your WILLINGNESS TO BE DISTURBED! Remember why we do this. It is to understand the bigger picture of what is going on in American politics and to examine your own views  more clearly.

  • When ASKING QUESTIONS, please come up to the computer and speak directly into the camera so the panelists can see you. Say your name and then ask your question. If you are learning from home, please leave your mic muted and your camera off until you ask a question. You are welcome to type it into the comments thread in lieu of turning your mic on.

  • TAKE NOTES on what you hear! These notes might help you later in your reflection assignment and/or your actual project.

  • WEEKEND HOMEWORK: Reflect on your experience and learning from having participated in both panels. 


Watch this TED Talk! The Moral Roots of Liberals and Conservatives

HONORS CREW: Stick around for a minute to clarify expectations around the essay.