Monday, October 5, 2020

Monday, October 5th

Starter 10.5: Rhetoric is a response and invites a response!  Discuss this rhetorical "appropriation": Proud Boys: Far-right group becomes LGBT trend online  (Boy oh boy hashtag discourse is FASCINATING!)

Please finish the Process Reflection (due at midnight!)

Today's Tasks: Let's analyze some rhetorical discourse!

1. Watch this video and explore the website it comes from: 

(Here is a Google Doc version if you have struggles with the Washington Post website or want a cleaner document.)

3. Answer these questions (on Google Classroom)

Tomorrow's work (if you want to work ahead):

Watch the documentary 13th on Netflix and brainstorm around the ideas in this analysis. We will be doing the questions as group/partner work on Thursday, so WATCH THE MOVIE BEFORE CLASS ON THURSDAY.

HONORS: Plan on sticking around tomorrow for a brief meeting!