Friday, November 20, 2020

Friday, Novemeber 20th

Starter: Let's discuss together. Let's talk about the rhetorical strategy contained in a children's narrative! 

Who has heard of A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo?

  • Review the rhetorical situation: Rhetoric is a Response and Invites a Response
  • What is the message?
  • How does the book appeal to its audience?
  • What are some of the "values" it contains that might have universal appeal?
  • Is the message effective? Is it Rogerian?



Thursday, November 19, 2020

Thursday, November 19th

Rogerian Argument from the Washington Post Opinion section: Seven governors: Americans need to stay home this Thanksgiving


  • Genre: What genre is this actually? (Think about audience.)
  • Ethos: How does this article have built-in ethos?
  • Pathos and Logos: Notice these as you read it. We will discuss tomorrow.

Starter 11.19 (in GC)Review the "Five Elements of Rogerian Argumentations."  Identify 2-3 ways that the opinion piece employs a Rogerian style, using language from the "five elements" to explain your answer. If you like, make a copy of the op-ed document and annotate your connections in the margin.



HONORS Check-in: Stick around to chat and clear up confusion about 1984 seminar.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Tuesday, November 17th

 Model Project: Acacia's (script)

Starter (Write it into Google Classroom!)
  1. Why is this project rhetorically effective?
  2. Logos, pathos, ethos?
  3. How is it Rogerian?



Monday, November 16, 2020

Monday, November 16th


Model Projects: Alma’s Op-ed  and collage (below)

STARTER (Answer in Google Classroom)
  1. What is Alma trying to convince us of?
  2. Is her argument effective for you?  Why or why not?
  3. What does Alma do that we might consider effective "Rogerian" argumentation?


1. Reminder: this piece is now highly recommended (instead of required) and counts as one of your 8 required sources.
2. If you need to do this interview over break, that is great. Just send me an email letting me know that, and write the plan for it into your research notes.
3. You can do more than one interview. Each one counts as a source.
4. You can interview your peers, just so long as they have a view that differs from your own in some way.

Sample Email to solicit an intervew:

Dear _______________:
Hello, I am a junior at Animas High School studying political ideology in Jessica McCallum's Humanities class.  For our current project, we are researching a range of perspectives on a political issue of our choosing.  I am reaching out to you because one of our tasks is to interview someone who might have a developed perspective on our topic.  I am researching ____________.  I thought you might have some valuable input because__________.  Please let me know if you might be available to chat about this topic some time in the next few weeks.  Thank you for your time!

Your Name

AHS junior


Thursday, November 12, 2020

Thursday/Friday, November 12th and 13th

Starter: Does anyone need to talk about their feelings? Questions we are having?

From the project description:

Rogerian argumentation urges the cultivation of multiple perspectives based on nuanced thinking.  It identifies common goals and shared values while acknowledging opposing views in a non-confrontational way. 

It is focused on mutually-beneficial compromise, not merely on winning the argument.

You will craft an argument that seeks to communicate your perspective to your audience, while establishing common ground and/or offering a spirit-of-compromise solution and/or with an audience that might disagree with you.  The idea here is to demonstrate our learning about the complexity of political issues, while staying true to our own political identities and expressing ourselves with rhetorical artistry.


Part 1 Personal Connection Narrative: Sunday, November 15

Part 2 Research Notes AND Project Proposal done by Friday, November 20

Part 3 Rogerian Argument Project Draft for Critique: Thursday, December 3 (start of class)

Part 3/4 Final to Jessica and “audience” (SEE RUBRIC):  Thursday, December 10 (by midnight)

Part 5 Project Reflection and DP update: Sunday, December 13


  1. Project Conference Sign-UP

  1. OPTIONAL Peer critique of Personal Connection Essay. This form can also be used as a self-critique if you prefer not to do it with your peers. This can be done today or tomorrow depending on where you are in your process. If you don’t have a partner or group and would like my assistance in finding a critique group, please email me today!


  • At this point, you should be getting into the research! Here is the template for research notes. I am okay if you document your research in a different format, but these are good guidelines for things to look for in your sources. You should have a minimum of 4 sources that support or resonate with your bias, and a minimum of 4 sources that challenge or oppose your bias. The empathy interviews count toward these sources!

  • The thesis statements on both sides of the issue ARE NOT OPTIONAL. No matter the format of your research notes, please write these statements!

  • NOTE on EMPATHY INTERVIEWS: Given our unusual pandemic circumstances, you will not be penalized if you are unable to find an empathy interview. Because of the nature of Rogerian rhetoric, the interviews are highly recommended to help you better understand where the “other” side is coming from. Please do your best to find someone to interview. Thanksgiving might give you an opportunity if you have family members with differing political beliefs. 

  • Anyone who wants to use Thanksgiving break to finish their research has an automatic extension on the research notes: PLEASE COMMUNICATE ABOUT THIS!

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Tuesday, November 10th

Starter: Questions? Thoughts? Jokes? Free Advice?


  • Democracy rules! Peer critique will be available on Thursday. To avoid tyranny of the majority, the critique will be optional. We are still accepting absentee ballots if you have strong feelings and want your vote counted:)
  • Rhetorical Discourse Mini-project: some of you did not complete the self-evaluation/reflection questions and/or upload the project itself. Please rectify this so I can finish grading.
  • Please fill out the topic survey, even if you have already talked to me about your ideas.
  • Personal conferences will continue on Thursday and Friday. If you haven't met with me yet, please plan on doing so this week.

Some tips on writing your personal essay:

  • Express your bias clearly in your essay. It's okay to focus your essay on a broad version of your topic and then hone your rhetorical discourse into a narrower claim. (ie. I write about immigration in general. My rhetoric project was specifically about the concept of sanctuary schools.)
  • If you are in the "middle," write your essay from the middle and elaborate on why you see both sides.
  • AGAIN: You need not do research for this part!
  • Anecdotes and personal stories make the essay more interesting!
  • If you don't have many personal stories about the topic itself, perhaps think about your general ideology itself and any stories you might attach to that. 
  • It is okay to center this essay on VALUES and where they come from.Tie your values to your topic, even if you don't have a ton of experiences to write about.
  • This is an essay and typical essay conventions apply. TEA paragraphs still in effect in a personal essay! The whole thing should still be driven by a main idea or thesis.

Please scroll down to yesterday's post and continue to work through the To-DO list!

Monday, November 9, 2020

Monday, November 9th

Starter Questions: 

  1. What are we grateful for? 
  2. What questions do we have about the election?
  3. What questions do we have about the project and expectations for this week?


  1. If you have not done so already, please take the Project Topic Survey.
  2. If you are still struggling with a topic, keep brainstorming! See the links on GC attached to the survey. Scour news headlines. Election stuff is fair game! What do you want to say right now?
  3. Sign up for Conferences! Click on the link and put your name in a time slot for today or tomorrow. We will just use the Google Meet Classroom link for these conferences to simplify logistics.
  4. If you haven't already done so, please read and critique my essay.
  5. WRITE your essay! Do you guys want a peer critique on Thursday?
  6. When you have finished your essay, you may start to research BOTH SIDES of your topic.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Friday, November 6th

Dear students:  Sad to miss you all today, but I stayed home with my runny-nose baby:)  Be industrious and move yourself forward! Use your time wisely to work on your projects!  



  • Review the prompts of the assignment. 

  • Read Jessica’s essay. (Please note: I do not expect yours to be this long! I just have a lot to say on my topic…)

  • Look at the rubric and answer the “critique” questions. (How did I do?)

2. If you did not do so yesterday, please answer the PROJECT TOPIC SURVEY.

3. Draft your Personal Connection Essay.

4. CONFERENCE? If you did not conference with me yesterday, reach out for a Google Meet! I am going to keep my Classroom Meet link open on my computer. When you are ready for a conference, tuck yourself away in your secondary classroom (Ashley’s, Tina’s, or Jenny’s) and MEET with me:) I will also be setting up conferences on Monday and Tuesday if we don’t connect today.

5. Please take the Student Feedback Survey and let Animas know how things are going!

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Thursday, November 5th

Starter: Temperature check Election 2020. What are you observing about this moment in your nation’s history? Do we need to debrief further? What questions?

If you haven't revised your Self-Assessment grade, please do that first! (See Google Classroom)

Other Missing Work?


1. Choose a topic. If you still don't know, scroll down to Monday/Tuesday posts for ideas. 

2. Once you have decided on a topic, complete the survey on Google Classroom.

3. Work on your Personal Connection Essay. Read the examples. Tomorrow, I will share mine.

4. Conferences with Jessica! Everyone must conference with me today or tomorrow!


Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Tuesday, November 3rd

Starter: What questions do we have about the project?


Prebrief the history we are living today: What questions do you have about the election today? What is confusing you? 

Do you understand the Electoral College?

Curious about learning more? Here is an interesting podcast about the history of the EC and where it stands now.

TO-DO today!

Self-assessment of Classwork and Intellectual Presence: Update your previous grade!

See Google Classroom for the assignment.

Project Work: 

  1. Brainstorm topic (scroll down to yesterday’s post for links to help you brainstorm different political topics)

    1. NOTE: You DO NOT have to choose a topic from the linked lists. There are a plethora of other topics that could count for your project work here. It can be something beyond the scope of American politics even. The parameter is that is must be debatable; there needs to be “other” sides to consider. Please reach out if you are playing with an idea and you wonder if would work for our project!

  2. Once you have a topic, brainstorm Personal Connection Essay 

    1. Please read the model essays on the rubric doc to get a sense of what we are looking for here.

    2. There is no research required for this phase! Just personal reflection!

HONORS: Stick around for a few! Let’s talk about the final Honors work….

Monday, November 2, 2020

Monday, November 2nd

Starter: Share ONE observation that you had about last week's panels. Either type it into the chat or unmute yourself and say it out loud!

Panel Reflection due @ 11:59 tonight

Please reflect on any or all of the following questions in A FEW WELL-DEVELOPED PARAGRAPHS.

  1. Reflect on your intellectual experience during our panels. What new insights did you gain from each or either? 

  2. What did you notice about the difference in your reactions (intellectual and physical!) during each panel; did you feel differently each day? How so? Why do you think?

  3. What do you understand now about American politics that you didn't understand before? How might these new understandings help you as a participant in our democracy?

Review the parts of the project and updated deadlines and note any questions you might have.


FIRST: Topic Choice: Thursday, November 5

Part 1 Personal Connection Narrative: Tuesday, November 10

Part 2 Research Notes AND Project Proposal done by Friday, November 20

Part 3 Rogerian Argument Project Draft for Critique: Thursday , December 3 (start of class)

Part 3 Final to Jessica and “audience”:  Thursday, December 10 (by midnight)

For this Thursday: Please identify your TOPIC. We will be having personal conferences on Thursday and Friday during in person class. For online learners, we can set something up during your pod’s flex (or Wednesday if you are ready).



  2. ISideWith Polls (scroll issues)

  3. Intelligence Squared Debates

  4. Middle Ground

Additional TO-DO items?

Please catch up any missing assignments from the last few weeks.  If you have not completed last Tuesday’s TED talk assignment, please go back and do so!

Honors: Debate essay DUE!

If you know your topic and you want to get going on the project, start with your personal connection essay!