Monday, November 9, 2020

Monday, November 9th

Starter Questions: 

  1. What are we grateful for? 
  2. What questions do we have about the election?
  3. What questions do we have about the project and expectations for this week?


  1. If you have not done so already, please take the Project Topic Survey.
  2. If you are still struggling with a topic, keep brainstorming! See the links on GC attached to the survey. Scour news headlines. Election stuff is fair game! What do you want to say right now?
  3. Sign up for Conferences! Click on the link and put your name in a time slot for today or tomorrow. We will just use the Google Meet Classroom link for these conferences to simplify logistics.
  4. If you haven't already done so, please read and critique my essay.
  5. WRITE your essay! Do you guys want a peer critique on Thursday?
  6. When you have finished your essay, you may start to research BOTH SIDES of your topic.