Starter: Share ONE observation that you had about last week's panels. Either type it into the chat or unmute yourself and say it out loud!
Panel Reflection due @ 11:59 tonight
Please reflect on any or all of the following questions in A FEW WELL-DEVELOPED PARAGRAPHS.
Reflect on your intellectual experience during our panels. What new insights did you gain from each or either?
What did you notice about the difference in your reactions (intellectual and physical!) during each panel; did you feel differently each day? How so? Why do you think?
What do you understand now about American politics that you didn't understand before? How might these new understandings help you as a participant in our democracy?
Review the parts of the project and updated deadlines and note any questions you might have.
FIRST: Topic Choice: Thursday, November 5
Part 1 Personal Connection Narrative: Tuesday, November 10
Part 2 Research Notes AND Project Proposal done by Friday, November 20
Part 3 Rogerian Argument Project Draft for Critique: Thursday , December 3 (start of class)
Part 3 Final to Jessica and “audience”: Thursday, December 10 (by midnight)
For this Thursday: Please identify your TOPIC. We will be having personal conferences on Thursday and Friday during in person class. For online learners, we can set something up during your pod’s flex (or Wednesday if you are ready).
Additional TO-DO items?
Please catch up any missing assignments from the last few weeks. If you have not completed last Tuesday’s TED talk assignment, please go back and do so!
Honors: Debate essay DUE!
If you know your topic and you want to get going on the project, start with your personal connection essay!