WORKSHOP: Let's register to vote with the Colorado Democracy Challenge! Welcome, Paulina and Javier! Go to this link.
From our guests:
The Colorado Democracy Challenge, a nonpartisan voter registration drive, will be holding a virtual session on MARCH 12 in JESSICA'S HUMANITIES CLASS to register and pre-register students to vote! You can pre-register to vote in Colorado if you are 16 or older. This way, you’ll be set and ready to vote when you become eligible. In order to pre-register or register to vote, please remember to bring:• An ID issued by the state of Colorado, like a license or a permit
OR, if you've never been given one,
• the last 4 digits of your Social Security NumberYou can take a picture of your ID in preparation for the session, because you only need a number from the ID to register. If you need to use your SSN, ask your guardians for that information in advance!
OPTIONAL HONORS Check-in on A Tale for the Time Being.
- Catch up your PHILOSOPHY JOURNAL! There will be a total of 15 entries PLUS the FINAL JOURNAL.
- Turn in any missing assignments before Spring Break!
- If you have stepped up your game and want to change your Self-Assessment grade for Intellectual Presence and Daily Classwork, please fill out a new rubric and return it to me ASAP. If your self-assessment grade in this category still aligns with your performance, just write me a note saying as much and mark it as done.
- Think about your Creative Expression Project.
- HONORS: Get me a draft of your essay on the way out the door! Keep reading A Tale for the Time Being.