Friday, March 12, 2021

Friday, March 12th

WORKSHOP: Let's register to vote with the Colorado Democracy Challenge! Welcome, Paulina and Javier! Go to this link.

From our guests:

The Colorado Democracy Challenge, a nonpartisan voter registration drive, will be holding a virtual session on MARCH 12 in JESSICA'S HUMANITIES CLASS to register and pre-register students to vote! You can pre-register to vote in Colorado if you are 16 or older. This way, you’ll be set and ready to vote when you become eligible. In order to pre-register or register to vote, please remember to bring:

• An ID issued by the state of Colorado, like a license or a permit
OR, if you've never been given one, 
 • the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number

You can take a picture of your ID in preparation for the session, because you only need a number from the ID to register. If you need to use your SSN, ask your guardians for that information in advance!

OPTIONAL HONORS Check-in on A Tale for the Time Being. 


  1. Catch up your PHILOSOPHY JOURNAL! There will be a total of 15 entries PLUS the FINAL JOURNAL.
  2. Turn in any missing assignments before Spring Break!
  3. If you have stepped up your game and want to change your Self-Assessment grade for Intellectual Presence and Daily Classwork, please fill out a new rubric and return it to me ASAP. If your self-assessment grade in this category still aligns with your performance, just write me a note saying as much and mark it as done.
  4. Think about your Creative Expression Project.
  5. HONORS: Get me a draft of your essay on the way out the door! Keep reading A Tale for the Time Being.