Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Tuesday, March 23rd

Starter: SHARE! Did any wisdom about life on Earth reveal itself over your Spring Break?

AGENDA: Pick up where we left off...

1. Final Journal Due tonight at midnight

  • Sum up your emerging personal philosophy in 2-3 paragraphs. Use the essential questions of the project to guide your thinking. Include reference to some of the topics/themes that have struck you or influenced your thinking during the course of this project (or at some point in your life).

2. Review Project Rubric and Student Examples

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3. Project Proposal Due Friday before class. We will have a peer "project tuning" session in class on Friday. Please come ready with your project ideas. 

  • Review the project description here.

4. Are you missing other assignments? Journal entries? Take today to get yourself in order! 

  • Creative Nonfiction Personal Narrative Essay: I did read your essays and give them feedback (on paper). I am in the process of transferring my comments electronically. Reach out to me if you want to conference about your essay in the meantime. I would love to check in with each of you (in person?) as you finalize these. Final draft due April 1st.
  • A Tale for the Time Being Book Club now Monday, April 5th (NOTE: This is extended from before!)