Thursday, October 28, 2021

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Wednesday, October 27th

Dear students: Be industrious today! As we talked about yesterday, you have several main tasks today during your workblock.

1. GROUP WORK: The Moral Roots of Liberals and Conservatives

2. Brainstorm questions for our panels. Submit this Google Form by the end of the day.

3. Revisit our project description and use the resources linked in Google Classroom to brainstorm topic ideas and wrap your mind around the project.

4. HONORS: Read novel, NHD topic exploration.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Tuesday, October 26th


  • Panels this week! Modified Schedule!

  • Thursday and Friday you will all have me in the afternoon. You will have Steve and Julian 3rd and 4th, and then all juniors will come to me 5th and 6th to view the panels.


POD 1 (modified)

POD 2 (normal)








HUM panels

Ashley’s room

HUM panels

Jessica’s Room


  • Sub tomorrow: Finish group actiivity, generate questions for panels, begin the exploration of topic selection for the project. 



Knowing what you know about liberals and conservatives, what do you think are the morals and values driving each side of the political aisle? Complete these sentences…

Liberals are driven by_____, ______, and _______. They value _____, ______, and _____.

Conservatives are driven by _____, ______, and _______. They value _____, ______, and _______.

REVIEW ACTIVITY: What would a liberal/conservative say about _______________?

  • Review issues from “Where do the parties stand on the issues?” taking turns making points and counterpoints on each issue.

  • Line-up in two even lines (one liberal, one conservative).  You shouldn’t necessarily be in the line that you yourself agree with (although many of you will be). 

  • What are the underlying morals and values driving the viewpoint?

  • What questions do we have?

The Moral Roots of Liberals and Conservatives

ANNOTATE! During the talk, jot down minimum 5 “annotations.” This should include interesting insights, quotes, questions, or new ideas that make you think. Please note things that you are confused about that you may need to clarify in our discussion.


(Each group should make a copy of the document. Someone should scribe the main ideas of your

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Thursday, October 21st

AM class: Share observations from Sara’s exhibition

Differing views on human nature?

Some further clarification on economic ideology from Tuesday’s lesson

Share takeaways/questions from Political Compass


Political Compass Quiz if not done


HONORS CONFERENCES: Topic Selection and Novel Sign-out

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Wednesday, October 20th

WORK TIME TASKS (see Google Classroom)
Political Compass Quiz
Political Ideology Research

EXHIBITION in the Commons: Senior Justice Monologues
Logos and pathos and ethos oh my!
Examine the rhetoric and ideology of a monologue of your choice
1. LOGOS/PATHOS/ETHOS? Notice the rhetorical strategy at play in the monologue you chose. Discuss how the speaker used or did not use the Aristotelian appeals. 
2. What ideological bias do you sense in the monologue? What values does the speaker seem to promote in their monologue?

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Tuesday, October 19th

What does it mean to be “on the left” of the political spectrum?  What does it mean to be “on the right”?  


IN PAIRS, ON WHITEBOARDS: Draw a T-chart describing what you understand to be “left” (liberal) and “right” (conservative).  You don’t necessarily need to get bogged down in specific issues, but try to DEFINE each to the best of your ability.  Perhaps it helps to think about what each side cares about or values. DO YOUR BEST TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS WITH YOUR CURRENT KNOWLEDGE.

What if it were more like a compass than a spectrum?

MINI-LESSON:  The Political Compass

ACTIVITY:  Political Compass Quiz:  As you work through the quiz, ask me clarifying questions!!! 



  1. How did the quiz add to your understanding of American political ideology?  Explain.

  2. Did you find anything surprising or did it confirm what you already knew about your political identity?  Explain. 

Get ready for SLC's!
Political Compass Quiz Activity
Political Ideology Research assignment

Monday, October 18, 2021

Monday, October 18th


  • Honors check-in tomorrow!

  • Does your family need to sign up for SLC’s? (See board)

  • Anyone want to recruit politically-minded family members for a panel next week?

This Week’s Questions

  • What do liberals believe/value?

  • What do conservatives believe/value?

  • What American beliefs/values do we (generally) agree upon? What ideals transcend political affiliation?

Starter 10.18:  America loves Satire!!! Watch this video and respond:  What liberal and conservative perspectives are being spoofed in this video?  Make a list of what you seenotice on the mini-whiteboards.

What are the American values and principles of democracy that transcend party?  What do we agree on?

Read: John McCain’s Final Letter to America

Watch: Barack Obama’s eulogy for John McCain

GROUP BRAINSTORM (WHITE BOARDS):  What are the American values and principles of democracy that transcend party?  What might most Americans agree on despite their political affiliation?



MAKE A COPY OF THIS DOC! We will work on this throughout work time this week!

SLC PREP: Your Vision, Your Journey


Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Tuesday, October 12th

Starter 10.12: What examples have you seen of indigenous activism and/or resistance in U.S. History? (past or present...)

Here is a new one from yesterday.

FINISH FILM? Where were we?


1. What ideology did European explorers bring with them to the Americas? What were their values and their motivations?
2. How did it differ from the ideology of the indigenous peoples that inhabited the lands? (What do we know about this? How do some indigenous belief systems differ from "Western" ones?)
3. Why were these ideologies in conflict?
4. How do we see these ideological conflicts manifest in modern times? Can you think of other examples beyond the Cochabamba protests?

What other questions do you have that will help you write the TEA paragraph? The questions again....
1. How does this film juxtapose historical events to make ideological connections across time? What are these connections? (How can we view “La Conquista” on the same ideological timeline as the events in Cochabamba in 2000? See Wikipedia links below if you want to expand your knowledge of La Conquista and/or the Cochabamba protests.) 2. Why is this film called Tambien la Lluvia (Even the Rain)? What does this have to do with the ideological conflict portrayed in the movie?

Reading: Chapter 1, A People's History of the United States
2. Printed hard copy of the chapter
3. Borrow a copy of A Young People's History (modified! easier!)
1. What are some things you learned from this chapter that you didn't know before? What is surprising, interesting, disturbing?
2. In Chapter 1, Zinn reveals to us his A People's History's approach/bias. What is this approach? What is Zinn's goal as a historian? Can you find a quote that feels like the "thesis" of the work? If not, summarize what you think it might be.
3. A People's History of the United States is one of the history sources that is up for debate in the current controversy about how US History should be taught (President Trump mentioned Zinn by name in the speech he gave announcing the 1776 Commission). Why do you think this source is controversial? Do you think it should be avoided by history teachers?

Let's check in!


Monday, October 11, 2021

Monday, October 11th

Film Screening: También la Lluvia (Even the Rain)


Questions to THINK about...

1. What ideology did European explorers bring with them to the New World? What did they want? What did they believe/value/care about?

2. How did it differ from the ideology of the indigenous peoples that inhabited the lands? (What do we know about this? How do some indigenous belief systems differ from "Western" ones?)

3. Why were these ideologies in conflict?

4. Do we see these ideological conflicts manifest in modern times? Can you think of examples?

(We will have time in class tomorrow to work on this after discussing the film)


 FILM RESPONSE: Tambien la Lluvia/Even the Rain

Choose ONE of the following questions to write a solid TEA paragraph. 

Use specific examples (E) from the film to support your T (claim) and be sure to explain (A) your connections.

  1. How does this film juxtapose historical events to make ideological connections across time?  What are these connections? (How can we view “La Conquista” on the same ideological timeline as the events in Cochabamba in 2000?)

  2. Why is this film called Tambien la Lluvia (Even the Rain)? What does this have to do with the ideological conflict portrayed in the movie?

Friday, October 8, 2021

Friday, October 8th

1619 Reaction Interviews

  • Please record them on voice memo apps and submit them in Google Classroom.

Interview Questions:

  • What did you learn from this podcast that you didn’t know before?

  • What questions and curiosities did it bring up for you?

  • How did this podcast make you feel about America?

  • Why do you think there has been backlash against the project? Why do you think Donald Trump mentioned it by name? Why are folks trying to ban it?

  • Should the 1619 Project be included in the US history curriculum? Why or why not?

  • What concerns or feelings does this information bring up for you as a young American?


  1. Take turns interviewing each other and submit two files.

  2. Do a co-interview where you are answering the questions together in more of a dialogue/discussion format.

THEN: Share out! What did you hear from your partner? What did you discuss?

PREVIEW Monday’s controversy

Deconstruct….Columbus: Hero or Villain?  

1. What do we remember/what have we learned about Columbus throughout our education?

Mine went a little something like this….

2. Columbus Day or Indigenous People’s Day?

THINK or RESPOND:  What are some reasons in favor of celebrating Columbus Day?

Reconsider Columbus Day

Durango and FLC have reconsidered

THINK or RESPOND: Do you think Durango and FLC made the right decision in changing this holiday officially?  Why does it matter?  

***What might one's answer to this question say about their own ideology?

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Thursday, October 7th

 Starter: Backlash against 1619

Discuss yesterday’s work and “America the Beautiful”

Why did the founders of 1619 publish the project? What is their goal/motivation?

What were we confused about in Bret Stephens’ Op-Ed?

How did you answer the questions from yesterday?

  1. According to the author, what makes America unique?

  2. What does he want us to see about America?  What is his thesis?

  3. Why does he discuss the atrocities/injustices of the past in conjunction with celebrating foundational principles?  

  4. Would you say Bret Stephens’ view of history is more patriotic or cynical? What is the evidence?

  5. How might this article connect to the conversation we have been having about how to teach US History?

Let’s see what all the fuss is about! 1619 Project, Episode 1

Here is the transcript if you want to follow along.

Tomorrow we are going to be doing recorded interviews of each other reflecting on the experience of learning this material.

ASSIGNMENT IN GC: Listening Guide for 1619

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Wednesday, October 6th

PSAT Preadministration: Welcome, Suze!

Introduction to the 1619 project

It is fine to work in groups on this stuff! If you work with others, please put all names on the master doc and be sure all groups members note in Google Classroom who turned in their group’s assignment!

  1. Review this brief video; it’s the part of his speech where Trump specifically denounces the 1619 project.

  2. Explore the 1619 Project Website. Read the Introduction. Click around if you like.

    1. How do they answer their own question in the header: Why did they publish the 1619 project?

  3. Read Bret Stephens op-ed, “America the Beautiful” in the days that the project was released. Annotate important passages and any place that confuses you.  Answer the following questions in writing.

    1. According to the author, what makes America unique?

    2. What does he want us to see about America?  What is his thesis?

    3. Why does he discuss the atrocities/injustices of the past in conjunction with celebrating foundational principles?  

    4. Would you say Bret Stephens’ view of history is more patriotic or cynical? What is the evidence?

    5. How might this article connect to the conversation we have been having about how to teach US History?

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Tuesday, October 5th


  • Junior Year and/or Humanities-specific

  • Circle up! Share out!


  1. What is critical race theory and is it being taught in schools? 

  2. What are the arguments on each side?

  3. Which of these arguments feels like it needs further investigation?

  4. What does each side care about/value?

  5. What might be the motives on each side of the debate?

  6. How should America’s history be taught to young people? 

  7. To what degree should we be taking a critical lens to issues of racism and systemic oppression (in the past and the present)?

  8. How is rhetoric shaping this issue?


  • What to investigate next in order to pursue this question?

  • What opportunities do we have to weigh in on the conversation about how US History should be taught? (WE are a project-based school!)

  • Who do we need to hear from?

  • What might we ask them?


  1. Do I still need your self-assessment? Or RD mini-project components? Turns into a zero in the gradebook today, so please rectify the situation.

  2. Finish up all parts of your case study and turn it in TODAY! 

  3. Honors assignment (primary sources) and/or NHD topic brainstorm

  4. If you are finished with everything….

Monday, October 4, 2021

Monday, October 4th

Check your grades in IC! Process grade broken down in Google Classroom. Check the notes I left you!

  • Some of you have no Self-Assessment grade! If this is you, please complete the Self-Assessment: Daily Classwork and Intellectual Presence TODAY, FIRST THING, and email it to me ASAP!
  • Some of you turned in the mini-project, but didn't do the reflection questions (see page 2 of doc). This is a huge piece of the assignment! Do this today before moving on!
  • Email me today with questions or other communication.

Wrap Case Study

  • Work in groups (or solo) on part 5 Arguments/Appeals section
  • Personal take on arguments/appeals and biased TEA paragraphs should be done individually!
  • Seminar tomorrow will be informal, not graded (YET!)

Honors: Keep working on Primary Sources!

Friday, October 1, 2021

Friday, October 1st

Shall we listen to the podcast together? What are states really banning when they ban CRT? 

Follow the transcript along and annotate!

KEEP TRUCKING! Rhetorical Discourse Case Study

I will make a data-based decision about Monday's seminar by the end of the day. Please work diligently during your work time today!