Film Screening: También la Lluvia (Even the Rain)
Questions to THINK about...
1. What ideology did European explorers bring with them to the New World? What did they want? What did they believe/value/care about?
2. How did it differ from the ideology of the indigenous peoples that inhabited the lands? (What do we know about this? How do some indigenous belief systems differ from "Western" ones?)
3. Why were these ideologies in conflict?
4. Do we see these ideological conflicts manifest in modern times? Can you think of examples?
FILM RESPONSE: Tambien la Lluvia/Even the Rain
Choose ONE of the following questions to write a solid TEA paragraph.
Use specific examples (E) from the film to support your T (claim) and be sure to explain (A) your connections.
How does this film juxtapose historical events to make ideological connections across time? What are these connections? (How can we view “La Conquista” on the same ideological timeline as the events in Cochabamba in 2000?)
Why is this film called Tambien la Lluvia (Even the Rain)? What does this have to do with the ideological conflict portrayed in the movie?