Panels this week! Modified Schedule!
Thursday and Friday you will all have me in the afternoon. You will have Steve and Julian 3rd and 4th, and then all juniors will come to me 5th and 6th to view the panels.
Sub tomorrow: Finish group actiivity, generate questions for panels, begin the exploration of topic selection for the project.
Knowing what you know about liberals and conservatives, what do you think are the morals and values driving each side of the political aisle? Complete these sentences…
Liberals are driven by_____, ______, and _______. They value _____, ______, and _____.
Conservatives are driven by _____, ______, and _______. They value _____, ______, and _______.
REVIEW ACTIVITY: What would a liberal/conservative say about _______________?
Review issues from “Where do the parties stand on the issues?” taking turns making points and counterpoints on each issue.
Line-up in two even lines (one liberal, one conservative). You shouldn’t necessarily be in the line that you yourself agree with (although many of you will be).
What are the underlying morals and values driving the viewpoint?
What questions do we have?
The Moral Roots of Liberals and Conservatives
ANNOTATE! During the talk, jot down minimum 5 “annotations.” This should include interesting insights, quotes, questions, or new ideas that make you think. Please note things that you are confused about that you may need to clarify in our discussion.
(Each group should make a copy of the document. Someone should scribe the main ideas of your