What does it mean to be “on the left” of the political spectrum? What does it mean to be “on the right”?
IN PAIRS, ON WHITEBOARDS: Draw a T-chart describing what you understand to be “left” (liberal) and “right” (conservative). You don’t necessarily need to get bogged down in specific issues, but try to DEFINE each to the best of your ability. Perhaps it helps to think about what each side cares about or values. DO YOUR BEST TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS WITH YOUR CURRENT KNOWLEDGE.
What if it were more like a compass than a spectrum?
MINI-LESSON: The Political Compass
ACTIVITY: Political Compass Quiz: As you work through the quiz, ask me clarifying questions!!!
How did the quiz add to your understanding of American political ideology? Explain.
Did you find anything surprising or did it confirm what you already knew about your political identity? Explain.