Goals for the Day
- Ease back in to the grind…
- Establish background knowledge about the oral tradition and indigenous storytelling practices
Circle: Story swap
Tell a partner your best story from break. Who has the best story?
Read-Around: Excerpts from Genesis by Eduardo Galeano
1. The “Oral
Tradition of Storytelling”
Work Time: Explore the Oral Tradition
Questions for reading:
- What are the similarities and differences between the oral tradition and written history?
- What functions does the oral tradition serve beyond the documentation of the past?
- In your opinion, is written history more objective than oral history? Can we view oral histories as “reliable sources”?
2. When you finish reading, explore PBS
website “Circle of Stories” gallery.
Try to read as many of the elements of the gallery as you can. (If you don’t have the compatible flash
player, click around on other links.)
Exit Ticket: Note 5 observations, reactions, connections,
or profound thoughts you may have after exploring the website. (What strikes you? What did you learn that you didn’t know
before? What do you think?)