Thursday, January 8, 2015

Goals for the Day

  • Continue to apply historical thinking skills
  • Compare historical documents to literary sources

Starter 1.8:  Who was responsible for the Battle of Little Big Horn?  Explain your answer using specific evidence from your reading.

GroupWork:  Little Bighorn Primary Source Analysis 
Make a copy of this Google Doc to record your group's conclusions.  (One paper per group is fine.  Make sure everyone's name is on the paper.  Share doc with me!!)

History as Narrative 

Essential Question #3:  Where do history and creative expression intersect to reveal the human experience? 

IN COMP BOOK:  Eduardo Galeano excerpts
1.  What does Galeano's writing have in common with historical analysis?
2.  What does it have in common with narrative fiction?
3.  How does Galeano's historical narrative further illuminate the story of Little Bighorn?
4.  Is Galeano's account biased?  What is his bias?  How can you tell?

Historical Inquiry:  What happened at Wounded Knee, SD on December 29, 1890?  Why did it happen?

How many people want physical copies of the Historical Inquiry Notes?

Google Folder of Historical Documents