Be Historians: Wounded Knee Inquiry
Wounded Knee Inquiry Notes (Google)
Wounded Knee Inquiry Notes (Word)
Link to Wounded Knee Photos and other Primary Sources
Expectations for Notes (5ptsx10=50)
5 points
4 points
2-3 points
Notes are complete and show meaningful engagement with the sources.
I can see your historical thinking skills!
Notes are mostly completed, but may want for some elaboration.
You are getting it, but I want to see a bit more.
Notes are scantily done or missing chunks.
I see some evidence of historical thinking, but the assignment isn't done thoroughly.
A few things are written down, but there is little evidence of engagement
with the sources.
I can’t see your historical thinking skills.
Some tips for your process:
1. Corroborate as you go.
2. Annotate as you corroborate. Post-it notes, anyone?
3. Annotate with the final assignment in mind.
4. Improve your vocabulary by using a dictionary to look up words you don't know.
5. Keep what you have learned about the nature of human discourse in mind.
6. Persevere.